1A LOVE sharing stories
1A LOVE sitting and listening to stories as a whole class and in smaller groups. The children often approach the class staff and gesture for stories to be shared. It is such a great relationship builder as well as building on children’s communication and social skills.
Category: 1A 2024-2025
English Key stage 1 World Book Day 1A
World Book Day Fun
We have taken part in lots of really fun activities today, celebrating WBD. We have read stories, sang songs, used our senses to explore food and we have created our own poems. Well done everyone.
Category: 1A 2024-2025
English Key stage 1 World Book Day 1A
World Book Day 2025
2E have arrived in school wearing wonderfully colourful and exciting costumes for world book day.
Category: 2E 2024-2025
English World Book Day Reading KS2
Deep, cold river! Splash, Splosh
This week we are exploring the river scene from our story. This morning we moved the small world characters through the deep, cold river with a splash, splosh. Some of the children said that the water was really cold.
Category: 1A 2024-2025
We’re going on a bear hunt!
The children in 1A are absolutely loving sitting and listening to the story, ‘We’re going on a bear hunt.’ Our new routine is sitting together for snack and listening to a story. The children are getting really good at sitting, looking and listening which is fantastic.
Category: 1A 2024-2025
Swirling Whirling Snowstorm
This half term our class story is, ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’ and the current weather conditions gave us the best opportunity to explore the ‘swirling whirling snowstorm.’ The children used the small world characters to role play them walking through the snowstorm using real life snow. It was…
Category: 1A 2024-2025
English: Advertising
Category: 3S 2024-2025
We’re writing descriptive pieces of work for our English Entry Level qualifications. We are expanding our sentences & exploring different words that can be used.
Category: 4M 2024-2025
Macbeth Witches Poem
In English this week we looked at the witches poem/chang from Macbeth.
we performed the poem and then analysed its structure and how it evokes different images and feelings.
Well done 3S!
Category: 3S 2024-2025
Comic Book Creations!
Over this half term, in English, 3H have been learning all about comics! We have learnt about; their key features such as onomatopoeia and speech bubbles, characters and about how a narrative is sequenced! 3H have created their own comic book characters, planned and then written their own comic…
Category: 3H 2024-2025
Caterpillar Comprehension
Today in English we watched a cool film called ‘Caterpillar Shoes’. We paused the film at different parts to answer some retrieval, explain and inference questions about the film. We really enjoyed this fun way to do a comprehension and gave some amazing ideas. Tyler said “I enjoyed coming up with…
Category: 3H 2024-2025
I see a white dog looking at me
This morning we had a surprise visit from Daisy dog as she stars in our story, ‘Brown Bear, Brown Bear.’ The children had a go at signing ‘white dog,’ and they all enjoyed stroking her and holding her lead. Well done everyone.
Category: 1A 2024-2025