Ice Sensory Activity

Image of Ice Sensory Activity

This afternoon 1A and 1H have been exploring an ice sensory activity. We have been looking at the key vocabulary, ‘ice, cold, melt and water.’ The children have been able to show some fantastic understanding of these words and have been practising the signs for the words too. Well done everyone.…

Category: 1A 2024-2025

Key stage 1 Humanities 1A 1H


Who is tall?

Image of Who is tall?

We are continuing to look at the key vocabulary ‘tall.’ This morning the children were choosing which character was ‘tall.’ It was fantastic to hear the children verbalising the key vocabulary ‘tall.’ Well done everyone. 

Category: 1A 2024-2025

maths Key stage 1 1A


1A LOVE sharing stories

Image of 1A LOVE sharing stories

1A LOVE sitting and listening to stories as a whole class and in smaller groups. The children often approach the class staff and gesture for stories to be shared. It is such a great relationship builder as well as building on children’s communication and social skills.

Category: 1A 2024-2025

English Key stage 1 World Book Day 1A


Star of the Week

Image of Star of the Week

Mason is our star of the week for being a super kind friend and engaging his friends in play when he can see they are upset. You are a fantastic friend Mason. Well done. 

Category: 1A 2024-2025

Key stage 1 Star of the week 1A


World Book Day Fun

Image of World Book Day Fun

We have taken part in lots of really fun activities today, celebrating WBD. We have read stories, sang songs, used our senses to explore food and we have created our own poems. Well done everyone.

Category: 1A 2024-2025

English Key stage 1 World Book Day 1A


World Book Day 2025

Image of World Book Day 2025

A huge well done to all of the children in 1A who came dressed as a word or their favourite book character today. Keep your eyes peeled for photos of what we get up to today.

Category: 1A 2024-2025

Key stage 1 World Book Day 1A


Exploring outdoors

Image of Exploring outdoors

We absolutely love our new outdoor area and now the sun is beginning to shine, we can engage with lots more activities. 1A love to play with water and sand so this out door space will be perfect for that! We love to get messy.

Category: 1A 2024-2025

Key stage 1 1A


Pancake Day

Image of Pancake Day

We’ve had a flipping fantastic Pancake Day. The children have enjoyed having the chance to decorate and taste a pancake choosing which toppings they like. It was great to see some of the children expressing that they didn’t want to taste the pancake but they were happy to smell and touch the…

Category: 1A 2024-2025

Key stage 1 1A 1H


Which is the tall tower?

Image of Which is the tall tower?

We continue to learn about height and we are focussing on the key vocabulary ‘tall’ and ‘not tall,’ and for those children that have mastered this, we have introduced ‘short’ as well as ordering the size of towers. All of the children in 1A are impressing Miss Brown so much. Well done everyone and…

Category: 1A 2024-2025

maths Key stage 1 1A


Our week so far in 1A…

Image of Our week so far in 1A…

It’s been a great first week back in school and we have been busy learning lots of new things. Height in maths, engaging with musical instruments and reading a new story in Literacy called ‘Dear Zoo.’ We have loved exploring our new out door areas and can’t wait to see what fun activities we will…

Category: 1A 2024-2025

Key stage 1 1A


Weather - Rain

Image of Weather - Rain

This half term in 1A and 1H, we are learning all about the weather. This week we have focussed on rain and have taken part in a number of activities all related to rain. It has been a fantastic afternoon, learning together. Well done everyone. 

Category: 1A 2024-2025

Key stage 1 Humanities 1A 1H


Phonics sound ‘h’

Image of Phonics sound ‘h’

It’s a new week which means we are learning a new sound. This week we are concentrating on the sound ‘h’. Today we had a go at writing the sound. Well done everyone. â­ï¸

Category: 1A 2024-2025

Key stage 1 phonics 1A