World Book Day 2025
2E have arrived in school wearing wonderfully colourful and exciting costumes for world book day.
Category: 2E 2024-2025
English World Book Day Reading KS2
2M Maths
Category: 2M 2024-2025
Sensory Club
Category: After School Clubs Blog
KS2 Computing Club
Category: After School Clubs Blog
key stage 2 Computing iPad Club ICT KS2
RE: Learning about Hindu shrines
In RE 2R have been learning about Hinduism and have started to make a replica of a shrine for the classroom.
Category: 2R 2024-2025
2P Fireworks Night Images
2P created images of fireworks displays using the Scratch educational program.
Category: 2R 2024-2025
2R: Greater Than, Less Than and Equal
2R pupils learnt about using greater than, less than and equal to.
They also learned the symbols which represent them.
Category: 2R 2024-2025
2A had their first French lesson today! They learnt how to greet people in French and learnt about different French items and played lots of fun games!!
Category: 2A 2024-2025
2E Music: Drumming
After singing nursery rhymes 2E were introduced to harambe drums and played a simple rhythm.
Category: 2E 2024-2025
2E Music: Singing.
2E started off their music lesson singing nursery with actions.
The pupils enjoyed singing “If you’re happy and you know it” “Head, smoulders, knees and toes” “Hickory dickory dock” “Row, row, row your boat” “Old McDonald” and “The hokey pokey”.
Category: 2E 2024-2025
2E Morning Minibeast Hunt.
2E enjoyed a minibeast hunt in the Berry building mud kitchen area.
They explored the different habitats that insects might live in and found ladybirds, worms, slugs, woodlice and a centipede.
Pupils returned all insects back to nature and washed their hands afterwards.
Category: 2E 2024-2025
2B English
Category: 2B 2023-2024