Preparation for performances
4M have been looking at different genres of Music & what suits them best as a performer. They have had a choice over instruments or using their voice as well as learning key skills for working as part of a team.
Category: 4M 2024-2025
KS4 music Performing Arts Entrylevel
Louise has been putting the finishing touches on her Tim Burton inspired portrait. Her creativity on this piece has blown us all away! Well done.
Category: 4M 2024-2025
Tim Burton Art
We have draw portraits in the style of Tim Burton as part of our Entry level qualification. We’ve used skills such as blending, toning & sketching.
Category: 4M 2024-2025
Japanese notan designs
In Art we have produced polystyrene monoprints using our Japanese notan designs as part of our print making project for Entry Level qualifications.
Category: 4M 2024-2025
We worked as a team in Art today to create oil marble prints. We produced some fantastic work to use in our portfolios.
Category: 4M 2024-2025
We’re writing descriptive pieces of work for our English Entry Level qualifications. We are expanding our sentences & exploring different words that can be used.
Category: 4M 2024-2025
Entry level Art
We’re preparing to make imprints for next stage of qualification. We carefully used cutting knives to cut out our own unique patterns.
Category: 4M 2024-2025
We are adding to our Art Entry Level portfolios with marble shaving foam pictures. We found 2 different ways of creating these pictures which left no waste.
Category: 4M 2024-2025
We are creating Japanese Notan designs as a printing plate. This will contribute to part of our Entry Level qualification in Art.
Category: 4M 2024-2025
1960’s Men and Women’s Roles
Today in our Entry Level Humanities we explored gender roles in the 1960’s and how this is different to now. The children identified that men typically had roles such as builders, bus drivers, factory workers and often managed their money in their family. The pupils also I’d identified that women…
Category: 4W 2024-2025
In our Entry Level qualification 4M are exploring the world of the 1960s & the roles males & females performed daily.
Category: 4M 2024-2025
Entry level Print Making unit
4M have started their Entry level Print Making unit to go towards their qualification. They’re exploring patterns & creating Zentangles to formulate a plan for their final ideas for print.
Category: 4M 2024-2025