Ice Sensory Activity
This afternoon 1A and 1H have been exploring an ice sensory activity. We have been looking at the key vocabulary, ‘ice, cold, melt and water.’ The children have been able to show some fantastic understanding of these words and have been practising the signs for the words too. Well done everyone.…
Category: 1A 2024-2025
Weather - Rain
This half term in 1A and 1H, we are learning all about the weather. This week we have focussed on rain and have taken part in a number of activities all related to rain. It has been a fantastic afternoon, learning together. Well done everyone.
Category: 1A 2024-2025
Extreme Weather
In our humanities lesson this week w looked at extreme weathers and how they can effect ourselves and our environment.
We looked at thunderstorms, blizzards, hurricanes and tornadoes.
Category: 3S 2024-2025
Geography this week
This week in geography we have been utilising our Westbury building, to complete a traffic survey on Whitegate Drive. The pupils used their tally skills to count the amount of different types of transport, which passed by the window within the measured time.
Category: 2C 2024-2025
Fireman Sam is sleeping
For stage 2 of Attention Autism, we played a game of Fireman is sleeping but unlike the dinosaur, when Fireman Sam woke up, he sprayed the children with his water bottle - silly Fireman Sam.
The children really enjoyed this activity and it linked perfectly into our Humanities topic of…
Category: 1A 2024-2025
Humanities 1A Attention Autism
People that help us - Nurses and Doctors
This afternoon we looked at how nurses and doctors help us. We looked a5 some of the equipment they might us and what they are for. The children enjoyed role playing and then had a go afterwards with the sheep who had been hurt. We are all so caring.
Category: 1A 2024-2025
Remembrance Day
On Friday, the children in 1A made a poppy and this morning some of the pupil went to observe the minute silence and the playing of the Last Post. â¤ï¸
Category: 1A 2024-2025
Real life superheroes
This half term our topic is Superhereos. This week we have been learning all about the Police Force and how they help us. We listened to sirens, looked at some police equipment and engaged in role play activities. Miss Brown was super impressed that everyone wanted to try on the police dressing…
Category: 1A 2024-2025
One of our old teachers, Mrs Docherty came to visit 4M during Humanities to tell us first hand knowledge of what it was like growing up in the 1960s.
Category: 4M 2024-2025
The Big Blackpool Quiz
Our topic in history this term is ‘The history of Blackpool’. Over the past few weeks we have been learning about where in the world Blackpool is and all the places that make it unique! Today we worked in teams to complete a retrieval quiz to see how much we have learnt. Our teachers were very…
Category: 3H 2024-2025
1960s & homework challenge
In Humanities we learnt that childhood activities have changed dramatically since 1960s. We compared different daily activities from then & now, & looked at different factors as to why it was so different.
Our homework challenge is to research a man named Harold Wilson & find out a few facts…
Category: 4M 2024-2025
1960’s Men and Women’s Roles
Today in our Entry Level Humanities we explored gender roles in the 1960’s and how this is different to now. The children identified that men typically had roles such as builders, bus drivers, factory workers and often managed their money in their family. The pupils also I’d identified that women…
Category: 4W 2024-2025