PSHE... litter pick
In PSHE today we talked about keeping our environment clean and how we can look after it. Litter picking in your area is a great idea of how you can help keep litter from going into our water ways, seas and help keep animals from harm.
Category: 2C 2024-2025
Star of the week
This week, Kai is our star of the week for a fantastic and positive start to his toilet training journey. Keep it up Kai, we are all so proud of you.
Category: 1A 2024-2025
Key stage 1 Star of the week PSHE 1A
Building Friendships
It has been lovely to spend the last week or so, taking a step back and spending time building relationships. This morning, these boys spent a good while, chasing each other around the playground, communicating verbally using each others names. They finished their play with a hug and it was lovely…
Category: 1A 2024-2025
PSHE: responsibilities
In PSHE we have been learning about rights and responsibilities.
Mrs. Swift has given us the responsibility of looking after a spider plant, we potted the plant in compost and watered them. We need to make sure to give them lots of sunlight and water to keep them healthy!
well done 3S!
Category: 3S 2024-2025
Rights and responsibilities.
In our P.S.H.E lessons, Mrs. Swift has been teaching us about rights and responsibilities.
Well Done 3S.
Category: 3S 2024-2025
It’s election day
It’s Election Day
Category: 1B 2023-2024
BFCCT Citizenship
Blackpool Football Club Community Trust visited to give us sessions on resilience, citizenship and healthy relationships to our year 11s.
This is a massively important topic and we learned a lot through the sessions.
Well done to our year 11s!
Category: 4S 2023-2024
Life Bus Visit
We had a special visitor in 1S yesterday. We loved helping Harold the giraffe brush his teeth and hair. Harold had his face washed too.
Category: 1S 2023-2024
Harold came to visit
Harold came to visit us to teach us all about being fit and healthy, we danced, moved, brushed his teeth, washed his face and combed his hair. Well done everyone
Category: 1B 2023-2024
Star of the week
Our Star of the Week in 1S is Kai for the smiles and giggles when he could spray with the paint. Great fine motor skills!
Category: 1S 2023-2024
PSHE: Team Work
Category: 4S 2023-2024
3T’s Active PSHE Lesson.
3T had super active lesson learning about ways to keep the body healthy through exercise in PSHE.