Video call to America!
2C and 2R got together to call Nancy Judd, an American Trashion artist. The children have been learning about Nancy's work during Arts Award. They got to speak to Nancy and ask her lots of questions about her work and any hints or tips for us with our project.
Category: 2C 2024-2025
Scratch Stories and Bee-bots!
In our Computing lesson we have been focusing on simple Computer programming. One of our groups used their knowledge of simple instructions/directions to programme their Bee-bots to travel from one side of the classroom to another, avoiding various obstacles n their path! Our second group worked…
Category: 3H 2023-2024
Scratch and the Code-A-Pillar
Today in Computing we split into two groups. One group showed their understanding of simple computer programming by controlling their Sprites using Scratch. They were able to tell us what they wanted their sprite to do and then use their awesome computing knowledge to do this! Our other group…
Category: 3H 2024-2025
KS2 Computing Club
Category: After School Clubs Blog
key stage 2 Computing iPad Club ICT KS2
2P Fireworks Night Images
2P created images of fireworks displays using the Scratch educational program.
Category: 2R 2024-2025
4B Computing: Input and Output Devices.
In computing today 4B learned about input and output devices and the difference between them.
The class then competed in a Kahoot quiz to gauge understanding and to show their new knowledge.
Category: 4B 2024-2025
KS2 Computing Club
Category: After School Clubs Blog
key stage 2 Computing Functional ICT ICT KS2
Micro-bit lesson
For the past 6 weeks 3C have been developing their computing skills using Micro-bits. The students have thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to explore different levels of coding and have even created some of their own codes that have resulted in games of their own.
Category: 3C 2023-2024
KS2 Computing Club
Category: After School Clubs Blog
key stage 2 Computing Functional ICT ICT KS2
KS2 Computing Club
Category: After School Clubs Blog
key stage 2 Computing Functional ICT ICT KS2
KS2 Computing Club
Category: After School Clubs Blog
key stage 2 Computing Functional ICT ICT KS2
KS2 Computing Club
Category: After School Clubs Blog