Achiever of the week!
Well done to Logan this week for doing some fantastic R.E. Work!
Category: 3S 2024-2025
Rangoli art!
We have been using our symmetry skills to try and make our own rangoli pattern. The children have been learning about these within RE, within our study of Hinduism.
Category: 2C 2024-2025
Church behaviour
In our R.E. lesson this week we learnt how we are to behave if we are ever in church.
Hopefully we will get a chance to visit a church later this year :)
Well Done 4S!
Category: 4S 2023-2024
RE cleansing ritual
In our RE lesson today, 3J looked into the cleansing ritual of Wudu that Muslims practice before they begin worship. They practiced washing their hands and brushing their teeth which Muslims do 5 times a day before prayer.
Category: 3J 2023-2024
Remembrance live assembly
3C enjoyed being involved in a live remembrance assembly this morning. There were some really poignant points in the assembly that raised some interesting topics of discussion.
Category: 3C 2023-2024
Acts of kindness
After learning about the Good Samaritan in R.E, today 3C wrote messages of kindness to their friends.
Category: 3C 2023-2024
We are looking for donations to give to Street life.
Each day there is a specific item you can bring in.
Thank you for your help and donations.
Category: 3K 2023-2024
Black History Month
As October is Black History Month, 3J have spent some time researching information about Rosa Parks. They used their comprehension skills to answer questions about who she is and why she's an important figure in history !
Category: 3J 2023-2024