Family fun!

We loved sharing our Sports Day with you all. Thanks so much for having so much fun with the parachute, bubbles and balloons. 

Category: 1S 2023-2024

PE Gross Motor Skills


Ready for Sports Day

Image of Ready for Sports Day

We are ready for our Sports Day, and can’t wait for this afternoon. 

Category: 1S 2023-2024

Key stage 1 PE Sports and Fitness


Climbing frame fun

Image of Climbing frame fun

After our PE lesson, practising our races for sports day, the children in 1B had lots of fun on the larger climbing frame improving their gross motor skills. Well done everyone ⭐️

Category: 1B 2023-2024

Key stage 1 PE 1B


Sports Day Practise

Image of Sports Day Practise

This morning we have been practising lots of activities in preparation for sports day. The children really enjoyed themselves and really tired their teachers out by wanting to keep going again, again and again.

Category: 1B 2023-2024

Key stage 1 PE 1B


Gross motor skills

Image of Gross motor skills

Category: 1B 2023-2024

Key stage 1 PE 1B



Image of PE

Pupils played bowls today in teams.Although pupils live to win we were trying to teach resilience and that it’s ok to to not win too.

Category: 3S 2023-2024



PE in 1B

Image of PE in 1B

What a fabulous morning outside using the bats and balls in different ways. The children have been hitting, pushing and throwing the balls into buckets and through cones. Well done everyone

Category: 1B 2023-2024

Key stage 1 PE 1B


Throwing underarm

Image of Throwing underarm

We managed to dodge the rain during our PE lesson this morning. We had so much fun experimenting with throwing a range of balls at a target. Fantastic work everyone. 

Category: 1B 2023-2024

Key stage 1 PE 1B


PE - underarm throwing

Image of PE - underarm throwing

Wow 1B, what a great PE lesson. The children were all engaged in our weekly warm up, getting our bodies ready for our PE lesson. All of the children were fantastic at throwing a ball, underarm, at a target. We still have lots more practise to do but the effort from everyone was amazing.

Category: 1B 2023-2024

Key stage 1 PE 1B


Experimenting with different ways of moving

Image of Experimenting with different ways of moving

What a beautiful morning to get outside to do PE however it has been quite cold so we decided to stay in our school uniform so we didn’t get too cold. ❄️

Miss Brown is so impressed with the problem solving, determination and resilience all of the children have shown this morning. It is the…

Category: 1B 2023-2024

Key stage 1 PE 1B


PE Mondays

Image of PE Mondays

We love getting the week started by having PE on a Monday morning. It wakes us up and gets us ready for a week of learning. We have been jumping, following a circuit, using the trampolines and having lots of fun bouncing and jumping in the bouncy room. Well done everyone. 

Category: 1B 2023-2024

Key stage 1 PE 1B



Image of Jump!

Wow we are tired already and it’s only 10:15. We have done so much jumping this morning. Big jumps, small jumps, jumping on the trampoline and star jumps. Well done everyone.

Category: 1B 2023-2024

Key stage 1 PE