Christmas decorations

Image of Christmas decorations

In art we have made paper chains for Xmas decorations.

Well done 3S!

Category: 3S 2024-2025

Art Christmas Creative Arts Arts and Crafts


Harvest Art

Image of Harvest Art

We have done some fruit and vegetables art for the Harvest hall display.

We worked well as a team and made some great pieces of art!

 Well done 3S!

Category: 3J 2024-2025

Art Creative Arts Arts and Crafts


Art: Fruit and Veg Printing

Image of Art: Fruit and Veg Printing

Category: 4S 2023-2024

Art Creative Arts Arts and Crafts


Hapa Zome

Image of Hapa Zome

Hapa Zome is a type of Artwork that involves printing. 
We painted our bubble wrap shape, and then had to “press” on paper. The best bit was going “bang” with the mallet. 

Category: 1S 2023-2024

Fine motor skills Creative Arts


Somewhere over the rainbow

Image of Somewhere over the rainbow

5I’s little ray of sunshine Kasharna made a beautiful rainbow picture today during Creative Arts. 

Category: Sixth Form 2023-2024

KS5 Creative Arts


Creative Arts

Image of Creative Arts

As part of Creative Arts we are preparing displays for World book Day next week. Students are painting pictures from Alice in Wonderland to put up around school for our younger PCA students to enjoy. 

Category: Sixth Form 2023-2024

KS5 Creative Arts



Image of Art

In our art lesson we continued with our work with “The green man”

We started to make our mask for our green man. We have used cardboard and tore tissue paper to make the mask look like leaves and grass for our green man faces.


Well Done 4S!

Category: 4S 2023-2024

Art Creative Arts Arts and Crafts


Madame Tussauds Careers Event.

Image of Madame Tussauds Careers Event.

We were very lucky to have been invited to Madame Tussaud’s in Blackpool to learn about the job of wax modelling and jobs within the tourism industry.

We were able to ask lots of questions and were shown the studio where they model the waxworks and add the paint and hair etc.

We also learnt…

Category: Sixth Form 2023-2024

KS5 Sixth Form Creative Arts Careers Community Links


Scrape Art KS5

Image of Scrape Art KS5

We did scrape painting today. We used blobs of paint and rulers to create paintings.
We put the paint on the page then used the flat edge of a ruler to scrape the paint into patterns.

Well done KS5

Category: Sixth Form 2023-2024

Art Creative Arts Arts and Crafts