Blackpool career fair

Image of Blackpool career fair


 4M made the most of attending Blackpools career fair experience by exploring the different career opportunities on offer, asking thoughtful questions, and showing a real interest in learning about their potential future. They all approached new opportunities with enthusiasm and…

Category: 4M 2024-2025

KS4 Preparation For Life Careers


If I were an engineer

Image of If I were an engineer

Today we have experienced being an engineer, exploring the function and design of different products. We’ve used materials from around the classroom to problem solve, and have been so inventive. 
Need a bed, oven or tower? 1S can always be called upon to help! 

Category: 1S 2023-2024

Design Key stage 1 Fine motor skills Careers Summer Production STEM '


Our special visitors

Image of Our special visitors

What a morning! It was exciting going outside and meeting the firefighters, and being able to see a fire engine. We saw the flashing lights, and even got to try on a helmet, and some of the firefighters uniform. 
We even got to have a turn using the hose pipe! 

Category: 1S 2023-2024

Key stage 1 Careers


Madame Tussauds Careers Event.

Image of Madame Tussauds Careers Event.

We were very lucky to have been invited to Madame Tussaud’s in Blackpool to learn about the job of wax modelling and jobs within the tourism industry.

We were able to ask lots of questions and were shown the studio where they model the waxworks and add the paint and hair etc.

We also learnt…

Category: Sixth Form 2023-2024

KS5 Sixth Form Creative Arts Careers Community Links