Baby & family photos

Image of Baby & family photos

Please send your photos to admin@park.svt.org.uk with the subject FAO Miss Brown 1A 

Alternatively, you can send a hard copy of the photos in which we will photocopy and return to you.

Posted by /blog/author/MissBrown on 14 September 2024

Category: 1A 2024-2025



5 little ducks

Image of 5 little ducks

Look at how fantastically we are all sitting for circle time. Here we are singing the familiar song, 5 little ducks. The children have been learning the actions and practising counting forwards and backwards to 5 and beyond. Well done everyone. 

Posted by /blog/author/MissBrown on 13 September 2024

Category: 1A 2024-2025



100% attendance

Image of 100% attendance

Well done to everyone (parents and children) for being at school on time every day. Keep it up.

Posted by /blog/author/MissBrown on 13 September 2024

Category: 1A 2024-2025

Key stage 1 100%attendance 1A


The colour red

Image of The colour red

In Art and DT, we are looking at colours. This week we have been looking at the colour red. I wonder if your child can show you the sign for red.

Posted by /blog/author/MissBrown on 12 September 2024

Category: 1A 2024-2025



Attention Autism

Image of Attention Autism

1A have started the week with two fantastic Attention Autism sessions. The children sat beautifully and there were so many laughs and giggles with the new items coming out of the box. Well done everyone. ⭐️

Posted by /blog/author/MissBrown on 9 September 2024

Category: 1A 2024-2025

Key stage 1 1A Attention Autism


PE Kits

Image of PE Kits

If you have any problems, please let me know in the home/school diary.

Thank you, Miss Brown

Posted by /blog/author/MissBrown on 9 September 2024

Category: 1A 2024-2025


1A love to paint

Image of 1A love to paint

As a class, we love mark making! This morning, we did some painting and even had a go at pouring some glitter onto our paintings. Well done everyone. 

Posted by /blog/author/MissBrown on 6 September 2024

Category: 1A 2024-2025

Art 1A


Hi! We’re 1A.

Image of Hi! We’re 1A.

We are 1A and what an absolutely fantastic day we have had. We are spending the next couple of weeks getting to know each other, building relationships and having lots of fun (and of course, lots of learning too!)

Posted by /blog/author/MissBrown on 4 September 2024



Thank you

Image of Thank you

As the end of the year approaches, I would just like to say what a fantastic year I have had with each and everyone of you! You have helped me to learn and grow as a teacher and it has been a pleasure to have taught you all. You have all made such fantastic progress across all aspects of school…

Posted by /blog/author/MissBrown on 18 July 2024

Category: 1B 2023-2024

Key stage 1 1B


Biscuit decorating

Image of Biscuit decorating

This afternoon, we have been decorating biscuits as an end of year treat.

Posted by /blog/author/MissBrown on 18 July 2024

Category: 1B 2023-2024

Key stage 1 1B


Planet Kaos

Image of Planet Kaos

Earlier this week we took a trip to Planet Kaos. All of the children were so well behaved and had an absolute blast.

Posted by /blog/author/MissBrown on 18 July 2024

Category: 1B 2023-2024

Key stage 1 Rewards Day 1B


Happy Birthday Brooke

Image of Happy Birthday Brooke

Happy Birthday Brooke. Thank you so much for being in in a beautiful birthday cake to share with your friends. We sang Happy Birthday and blew out the candles. Brooke let all of her friends blow out the candles to so they could be a part of her birthday celebrations. ⭐️

Posted by /blog/author/MissBrown on 18 July 2024

Category: 1B 2023-2024

Key stage 1 Happy birthday 1B